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Articles for system administrators concerning Windows, Linux, virtualization systems and other technologies.

Restoring a datastore in vCenter: A Step-by-Step Guide

Restoring a datastore in vCenter: A Step-by-Step Guide

Greetings! If you’ve ever dealt with removing a datastore in vCenter, you know the challenge: the partition table on the linked LUN gets wiped out, often leading to the fear of data loss when trying to reconnect the datastore. In this guide, we’ll walk you through a method to potentially restore a partition table without risking your valuable data.

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Searching where a user is logged on [PowerShell]

Ищем, где залогинен пользователь [powershell]

Today I want to show you a simple PowerShell script, that can be used to find on which domain machines a user is logged on currently.

Basicaly the script is working like the ]]>pslogedon]]> utility, but does not require the remote registry to be enabled on target machines.

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How to easily configure reverse proxy for your sites and other things (Nginx Proxy Manager)

How to easily configure reverse proxy for your sites and other things (Nginx Proxy Manager)

Hi there. I’m sure that many people have a question – how to forward ports on their routers, for make several internal HTTP or HTTPS services working on one external IP address. The question is mostly actual for home and small businesses. And the task can be solved with configuring a reverse proxy.

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Effortless Task Distribution Across Servers Using PowerShell

Effortless Task Distribution Across Servers Using PowerShell

The task of distributing a set of scheduled tasks across numerous servers arose. It brought back memories of a time when this could be accomplished through group policies. Although this option is still available, it no longer allows specifying a particular account, especially one with a password, under which the task should be executed. There's a workaround by manually tweaking the group policy files in sysvol, but it’s a risky and crude approach.

If you are faced with the challenge of copying, let's say, 20 tasks to 10 machines, the monotonous routine of exporting, importing, and password entering can be draining. As this tedious process nears completion, the likelihood of missing out on something increases. And what if the tasks need amendments later on?

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How to get a remote access to a Linux computer

In that article I'll show you, how you can get a remote access to a Ubuntu computer. I mean remote desktop access, because I don't think you can have any questions with access to terminal, as I think ssh is well known to everyone.

I'll show how to get access with the hel p of VNC server and xrdp. Because if you want to make a connection from Windows computer, I think that VNC will work, to put it mildly, not so fast. Also youl need to install VNC client, if you will use simple VNC server, but there are situations when you cannot install additional software on computer, so we will configure everything so that you don't need to install anything. after the steps taken, you can 1) connect to your remote computer with clear VNC protocol; 2) connect to remote computer with RDP, and then from inside RDP session connect to desktop with VNC - that will allow you not to install additional client to computer from whitch you are connecting.

There is a single requirement to that scheme - you must have a real IP, or use VPN or SSH tunnel.

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How to change MSSQL collation setting without reinstalling the server

You can go into the situation that after installation of MSSQL Server you found that you forgot to set colation to parameters that you need. You can change that parameter in two ways - 1) completely reinstall MSSQL, whitch is time consuming operation. 2) Change collation with command entered in command prompt, whitch takes far less time and effort.

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Optimize Web Development Workflow with Sublime and LiveReload on Ubuntu

Optimize Web Development Workflow with Sublime and LiveReload on Ubuntu

Today, I want to guide you through setting up a stellar solution for web developers on Ubuntu. This solution encompasses the Sublime text editor, an extension named Emmet to expedite HTML tag input, browser extensions, and programs like LiveReload that automatically refresh the page whenever you save a CSS or HTML file.

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How to Set Up Email Signatures with Postfix on Ubuntu Server 16.04

How to Set Up Email Signatures with Postfix on Ubuntu Server 16.04

Hello fellow server enthusiasts! Today, I'd like to share a solution to a common request I often come across: setting up an email server to automatically add signatures to user emails. Specifically, we'll look at the Postfix SMTP server running on Ubuntu Server 16.04, and how to integrate signatures using altermime.

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