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Articles for system administrators concerning Windows, Linux, virtualization systems and other technologies.

Bottleneck searching on Windows

Good day

Fine day, nothing boded ill. But here came the problem - the speed of some application was unacceptably small, and last week / month / day ago everything was fine. We need to solve it quickly, spending as little time as possible. A server with problem running Windows Server 2003 or later.

I hope the following script will be brief and understandable enough and useful to both novice administrators and more serious comrades, you can always find something new for yourself. Do not immediately rush to explore the behavior of the application. First of all, is it worthwhile to see if there is enough server performance at the moment? Are there any "bottlenecks" that limit its performance?

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How to setup ProFTPd for hosting

There are many articles about configuring LAMP.
Many of them have a couple of paragraphs, which briefly describe the installation and basic configuration of ProFTPd.
As a rule, this is not enough to organize a normal hosting operation.
The question arises - "how to configure a specific user's ftp access to a particular virtual host?".

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Netrwork configuration in PowerShell and nic teaming

To configure network with PowerShell you need to do:

1) Get the list of network interfaces: Get-NetIPInterface

2) Set address, mask and gateway: new-netipaddress -interfacealias "manage" -ipaddress "" -prefixlength 21 -defaultgateway

3) Set DNS servers: set-dnsclientserveraddress -interfaceindex 30 -ServerAddresses,

To add network adapter to nic teaming:

New-NetLbfoTeam -Name TestTeam -TeamMembers "Ethernet", "Ethernet 2" -WhatIf'

This command will create switchindependent team, with dynamic balancing.

Эта команда создаст switchindependent team, с динамической балансировкой. For convenience, you can rename adapters as well as temporarily disable the firewall and configure it remotely via mmc:

$NetAdapter = $NetAdapter | Rename-NetAdapter -NewName $NIC.NIC -PassThru netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off

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Step-by-step Guide to Setting Up a GitLab Server on Ubuntu 16.04

Step-by-step Guide to Setting Up a GitLab Server on Ubuntu 16.04

If you've ever dabbled in scripting, configuration, or programming, understanding the importance of a version control system like GitLab is crucial. With platforms like GitHub available for public projects, what happens when you want a private repository? Enter GitLab, your solution for hosting private git repositories.

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How to Automate ActiveDirectory User Addition Using PowerShell and CSV

Добавление пользователей в Acrive Directory из CSV файла при помощи скрипта PowerShell

Hello to all IT professionals and enthusiasts! Today's tutorial will delve into an efficient way to bulk-add or update users in ActiveDirectory, leveraging the power of scripting. By using a simple CSV file, this automation process becomes seamless.

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How to Obtain and Install a Free SSL Certificate with Let's Encrypt on Apache Server

How to Obtain and Install a Free SSL Certificate with Let's Encrypt on Apache Server

Securing your website with an SSL certificate is essential. If you're using Apache on Ubuntu Server 16.04, we've got good news! You can get a free SSL certificate from ]]>Let's Encrypt]]>. This in-depth guide will walk you through each step.

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Optimizing Linux Traffic: A Comprehensive Guide to Dnsmasq & Ipset Routing Techniques

Интересная маршрутизация в Linux.

Hello there! Today, I’m going to demonstrate a unique way of routing with Linux tools. We'll learn how to direct traffic through different gateways based on its origin and destination. This can be handy for creating a double VPN, speeding up certain website loads, especially in regions with internet restrictions like China.

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How to Set Up and Optimize PPTP VPN on Ubuntu Server 16.04

How to Set Up and Optimize PPTP VPN on Ubuntu Server 16.04

In today's guide, we'll walk you through the detailed steps to establish a PPTP VPN connection on Ubuntu Server 16.04. Plus, we'll cover how to ensure automatic reconnections and route management.

Please note: PPTP has known vulnerabilities, so consider this method for learning purposes and evaluate more secure VPN options for critical applications.

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How to Set Up a Simple PPTP VPN on Ubuntu 16.04: A Step-by-Step Guide

PPTP сервер на Ubuntu 16.04

Looking for a beginner-friendly VPN setup for your Ubuntu system? You're in the right place! Today, I'll walk you through the easiest way to create a PPTP VPN server on Ubuntu 16.04. While PPTP might not be the most advanced option out there, its simplicity and wide compatibility make it a favorite for many.

What You'll Learn:

  • Setting up PPTP on Ubuntu 16.04
  • Configuration essentials for a VPN server
  • Enabling users to access the internet securely
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