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How to disable the password when you exit Windows sleep mode

How to remove the password when you log in to the windows computer

For many, entering a password when turning on the computer is a pretty annoying factor. To enter without entering a password on a computer running Windows, you need to do the following:

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How to Reset Root User Password in FreeBSD 11: A Simple Guide

How to Reset Root User Password in FreeBSD 11: A Simple Guide

In the ever-evolving realm of system administration, understanding how to manage and reset passwords is crucial. Today, we delve into FreeBSD 11, exploring its password reset mechanics, especially when juxtaposed against Linux systems.

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Managing the remote KVM host without entering a password, disable password entry for ssh

Hello. When using virt-manager to manage a remote KVM host, every time you open it, you need to enter the SSH connection password, which personally annoys me.

To permanently disable a password, if you open it, if remote hosts are connected to it, you need to add the ssh key to the host, which by the way will also allow you to not enter the password for SSH connection each time.

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