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Basics of administration

The articles in this section will be useful for beginning system administrators as well as for general users.

How to record video from the screen in Ubuntu

Hello everyone, if you want to record video from the screen in Ubuntu then you can use an easy-to-use program - SimpleScreenRecorder. Project website - ]]>]]> Below you will see how to configure this program.

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How to get remote access to a computer running Windows

Hello. Often there are situations when you need to get remote access to your computer, while at work, visiting, eventually in another room. Below you will find the most popular ways to do this.

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How to share a network adapter in windows or how to make a switch or router from a computer.

Hello, sometimes you need to share network card on a computer running windows. This might be necessary for example if you have a cheap 100 MByte router, and on the computer there are 2 network gigabit interfaces, and you need to connect the device at gigabit speed. Or if you do not want to buy a router. Below it will be shown how to do this.

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Managing the remote KVM host without entering a password, disable password entry for ssh

Hello. When using virt-manager to manage a remote KVM host, every time you open it, you need to enter the SSH connection password, which personally annoys me.

To permanently disable a password, if you open it, if remote hosts are connected to it, you need to add the ssh key to the host, which by the way will also allow you to not enter the password for SSH connection each time.

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How to create a bootable USB flash drive

Hello. Today I'll tell you how you can create a bootable USB flash drive to install Windows.

There are many ways to create a bootable flash drive, I'll tell you about the simplest ones.

1) Super simple - buy a hard drive box with support for CD ROM emulation (for example zalman zm-ve400), copy images to it, and connect as cd rom


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Customize Your Windows Start Menu: Bringing Back the Control Panel & More

Customize Your Windows Start Menu: Bringing Back the Control Panel & More

Are you nostalgic for the easily accessible control panel from the old Windows menu? You're not alone! Many users found the shift from the traditional control panel to Windows settings, introduced in a recent spring update, a tad bit confusing. Especially since the settings button was already prominently available in the Start menu.

But fret not! Today, I'll guide you through a simple way to bring back that beloved control panel to your menu and even introduce some personalized additions.

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How to Enable Multiple RDP Sessions in Windows 10: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Enable Multiple RDP Sessions in Windows 10: A Step-by-Step Guide

Unlock the potential of your Windows 10 with the ability to run multiple Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) sessions simultaneously. Here's a comprehensive guide to achieve this seamlessly.

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