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Step-by-Step Guide to Updating GitLab from Repositories

Step-by-Step Guide to Updating GitLab from Repositories

Hello, dear readers! If you've encountered a problem when updating your GitLab server from repositories, this post is for you. Especially if you face an error related to the need to perform updates through intermediate versions, like this:

gitlab preinstall: It seems you are upgrading from 16.1 to 16.4.
gitlab preinstall: It is required to upgrade to the latest 16.3.x version first before proceeding.
gitlab preinstall: Please follow the upgrade documentation at ]]>]]>

Such a situation means that you'll need to install updates in a strict sequence.

In this guide, we'll discuss how to do it correctly.

0. Backup your system.

1. Familiarize yourself with the recommended upgrade path using the link mentioned in the error message.

2. Find the current and all available package versions in the repository using the command:

apt list gitlab-ce -a

apt a list of gitlab-ce packages and their versions

In some cases, the following command might be useful:

apt-cache madison gitlab-ce

3. Install the required version using the command:

apt install gitlab-ce=16.1.0-ce.0

Replace it accordingly with the package version you need.

4. Repeat the update process until your system is up to date.
5. Once the process is finished, if your server has limited volume partitions, you can run the command

apt clean

to free up space occupied by cached gitlab-ce packages.

bash - view the volume occupied by apt cache, specifically gitlab-ce packages, and view free disk space

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