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How to access Linux filesystem from Windows. WinSCP.

How to access Linux filesystem from Windows. WinSCP.

Sometime there are situations when you need to access remote Linux filesystem from Windows based computer, but you cannot install samba or ftp. And make an access to filesystem root folder with samba or ftp as you know not a good idea because it is unsecure. For that case you can use a little utility called WinSCP.

You can downlad it ]]>from here]]>.

The programm working with sftp, scp, ftp and webdav. I will show you how it works with SCP protocol.

All you need is access to remote system with SSH. Connect to your remote computer - enter address, port, change transfer protocol. If you wish tou can save the connection. In my case address is, because I connecting throgh SSH tunnel. About configuration of SSH tunnels you can read in that article.

After all needed parameters are set, click the button connect.

You need to enter your password (if you did not on the first window).

A new window should open, it have total commander, far or mc like look. On the left pane, there are local computer resources. On the right - remote.

To copy something you should select a file and click F5 button on your keyboard, to delete - press F8. Also you can edit files without need to download them.

I have a video about it (language is Russian):

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