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Setting up OTRS 3.1 (responses to requests, display in a digest)

Good afternoon, I recently had to adjust the OTRS a little.

It was necessary to do the following:

1) Make it so that the answers to the applications are attached to the already created applications (that is, to the one to which the answer is given), if possible, that this case would work, even if the application number was not saved in the topic.

2) Make it so that the digest displayed all open applications, to which the agent has the right to read (and not only not answered).

As it turned out, all this is done quite simply.

On item 1:

Go to the administration - configuration. Go to the ticket, go to core :: postmaster. Here we find the following items: PostmasterFollowUpSearchInReferences; PostmasterFollowUpSearchInBody; PostmasterFollowUpSearchInAttachment; PostmasterFollowUpSearchInRaw and include them. This will allow OTRS to parse letters and compare them with the tickets if it can not find the application number.

On item 2:

Here, you can do this: by default in the module open applications there is an attribute StateType = open; Why it does not display all open applications, but only those that need to be answered - a big question. But you can change this attribute. To do this, all the same in the administration, the system settings go to the ticket, we find Frontend :: Agent :: Dashboard. In it we look for DashboardBackend ### 0130-TicketOpen and change the attribute from StateType to StateIDs. In my case, the set is the following: StateIDs = 0; StateIDs = 1; StateIDs = 4; StateIDs = 9; StateIDs = 7; StateIDs = 8; StateIDs = 6; StateIDs = 14;

To view the id states, go to Administration - States. Each state ID is specified in the address, for example - /;Subaction=Change;ID=1



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