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This section publishes articles on the basics of Linux administration, as well as simple instructions for this OS

How to Efficiently Rename Your Linux Terminal Windows: A Simple Guide for Ubuntu & CentOS Users

How to Efficiently Rename Your Linux Terminal Windows: A Simple Guide for Ubuntu & CentOS Users

Managing multiple terminal windows in Linux, especially when you have numerous tasks running simultaneously, can quickly become confusing. Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you have ten windows open and they all look identical? If you're like most Linux users, distinguishing between them can be a challenge.

In this guide, we will specifically discuss an easy method to rename your terminal windows. This will not only make your workflow more organized but also reduce the chance of making errors due to working in the wrong window. We'll be using the gnome-terminal as an example, particularly focusing on Ubuntu 16.04. But if you're a CentOS user, don't worry! We have something for you too.

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How to Watch Videos Directly in the SSH Console Using Mplayer

Discover a step-by-step guide to using mplayer in Ubuntu for streaming videos directly within your SSH console. An intriguing workaround for tech enthusiasts!

Ever thought about watching videos directly through your SSH console? While it may sound unconventional, it's a fascinating trick every tech-savvy individual might find interesting. In this guide, we'll delve into how you can achieve this with the help of mplayer on Ubuntu.

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How to Restore Linux Grub Bootloader

How to Restore Linux Grub Bootloader

Ever faced the dilemma of losing your Linux bootloader? I've been there too. On a few occasions, my Linux bootloader was wiped, often due to Windows updates that overrode Grub. Additionally, many face this challenge when installing Windows alongside Linux. If you're grappling with a similar issue, this guide will walk you through a straightforward method to restore the Linux grub bootloader.

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Configuring a bridge in Ubuntu for KVM

In order for the network to work correctly on KVM virtual machines created on the Ubuntu host, you need to configure the bridge. If you do not configure it, the machine will have access to the Internet, but there will be no access to the other hosts on that network. The configuration is similar to setting up a network in Ubuntu with minor changes to the config.

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How to disable IPv6 in Ubuntu

I've collide here with an incomprehensible situation in Ubuntu, if you turn on the bridge for KVM, if you get an IPv6 address, this IPv6 hangs fast, about once every 5-10 minutes, when the interface is restarted, everything starts to work for 5-10 minutes, then hangs again. In this case, IPv4 continues to work. Routes like IPv6 and IPv4 remain. Because of what many resources stop working, google, yandex, update the application database (apt-get update). In general, all that can work on IPv6 safely stops working when the bridge hangs. In the logs, there are no errors, where to dig is not clear. It is exactly known that this is happening on Ubuntu 15.10, at 14.04 it works like a clock.

In short, I was tired of restarting the network interface every 10 minutes, and I decided to just disable IPv6.

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How to install Plex media server and add Kinopoisk add-on to Ubuntu

There is such an excellent media server - Plex. The beauty of it is that he knows how to download information about files from such sites as kinopoisk, imdb, etc. Plus, it, unlike many other upnp/dlna servers, has a beautiful and convenient web interface, and you can throw ports and watch your collection of movies from anywhere in the world, or from any browser, for example, a tablet without installing additional programs. Today I'll show you how to install it and add the kinopoisk add-on to it.

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How to Reset Root User Password in FreeBSD 11: A Simple Guide

How to Reset Root User Password in FreeBSD 11: A Simple Guide

In the ever-evolving realm of system administration, understanding how to manage and reset passwords is crucial. Today, we delve into FreeBSD 11, exploring its password reset mechanics, especially when juxtaposed against Linux systems.

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