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Bottleneck searching on Windows

Good day

Fine day, nothing boded ill. But here came the problem - the speed of some application was unacceptably small, and last week / month / day ago everything was fine. We need to solve it quickly, spending as little time as possible. A server with problem running Windows Server 2003 or later.

I hope the following script will be brief and understandable enough and useful to both novice administrators and more serious comrades, you can always find something new for yourself. Do not immediately rush to explore the behavior of the application. First of all, is it worthwhile to see if there is enough server performance at the moment? Are there any "bottlenecks" that limit its performance?

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Netrwork configuration in PowerShell and nic teaming

To configure network with PowerShell you need to do:

1) Get the list of network interfaces: Get-NetIPInterface

2) Set address, mask and gateway: new-netipaddress -interfacealias "manage" -ipaddress "" -prefixlength 21 -defaultgateway

3) Set DNS servers: set-dnsclientserveraddress -interfaceindex 30 -ServerAddresses,

To add network adapter to nic teaming:

New-NetLbfoTeam -Name TestTeam -TeamMembers "Ethernet", "Ethernet 2" -WhatIf'

This command will create switchindependent team, with dynamic balancing.

Эта команда создаст switchindependent team, с динамической балансировкой. For convenience, you can rename adapters as well as temporarily disable the firewall and configure it remotely via mmc:

$NetAdapter = $NetAdapter | Rename-NetAdapter -NewName $NIC.NIC -PassThru netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off

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Customize Your Windows Start Menu: Bringing Back the Control Panel & More

Customize Your Windows Start Menu: Bringing Back the Control Panel & More

Are you nostalgic for the easily accessible control panel from the old Windows menu? You're not alone! Many users found the shift from the traditional control panel to Windows settings, introduced in a recent spring update, a tad bit confusing. Especially since the settings button was already prominently available in the Start menu.

But fret not! Today, I'll guide you through a simple way to bring back that beloved control panel to your menu and even introduce some personalized additions.

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How to Enable Multiple RDP Sessions in Windows 10: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Enable Multiple RDP Sessions in Windows 10: A Step-by-Step Guide

Unlock the potential of your Windows 10 with the ability to run multiple Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) sessions simultaneously. Here's a comprehensive guide to achieve this seamlessly.

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How to Free Up Disk Space on Windows with Windirstat

How to Free Up Disk Space on Windows with Windirstat

Running out of disk space on your Windows PC? Discover how Windirstat can help you analyze and free up occupied storage.

Understanding the Problem

At times, our disks become almost entirely filled up. You might think of deleting something, especially if you frequently download movies, games, etc. But what if these large files are not the issue? The real question then becomes: where are the bulk files and folders that could be deleted or moved to another disk?

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Ultimate April Fools' Computer Prank: Make Them Think It's Broken

Как разыграть пользователя

Yesterday marked another fun-filled April 1st, and I had this compelling urge to share a timeless computer desktop prank. Although many might be familiar with it, it's a classic that never gets old. This prank tricks the user into believing their computer is malfunctioning when it's really not.

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Setting Up RemoteApp on Windows Server 2012 without Active Directory Domain: A Step-by-Step Guide

RemoteApp на Windows 2012 без домена

Introduction to Windows Server 2012's RemoteApp Limitation

In the Windows Server 2012 environment, Microsoft introduced restrictions on the use of the Terminal Server if it's not part of an Active Directory domain. Specifically, many users, including myself, have encountered challenges when trying to configure RemoteApp directly from the server management console.

However, there's a silver lining: you can manually add applications. Let's dive into how.

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How to Share Your USB Modem Internet Connection Across Multiple Computers

How to Share Your USB Modem Internet Connection Across Multiple Computers

In today's digital age, maximizing the utility of devices like USB modems is essential. If you have one and want to expand its usability across several computers, you're in the right place. In this guide, we'll walk you through the process, ensuring you get the best connectivity across all devices.

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