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Dual Boot Time Sync: The Ultimate Guide to Fixing Windows & Linux/MacOS Clock Discrepancies

Dual Boot Time Sync: The Ultimate Guide to Fixing Windows & Linux/MacOS Clock Discrepancies

If you're juggling between Windows and Linux or MacOS on a dual-boot system, a common hiccup you might encounter is the time sync problem. Fear not, this guide provides a comprehensive solution.

Why Does the Dual Boot Time Sync Issue Happen?

It boils down to system architecture. Linux, Unix, and MacOS employ the GMT time zone as their standard. Meanwhile, Windows prefers your local time zone. This variation can sometimes throw Windows' clock off-kilter.

Swift Resolution: Tweak the Windows Registry

For a hassle-free remedy, I've prepared a registry file. Just ]]>download it here]]>, extract, run clock.reg, and give your machine a quick restart.

For the DIY enthusiasts:

  1. Hit Win+R, punch in regedit, and press Enter.

run regedit

  1. Trudge over to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\TimeZoneInformation.
  2. Spot a blank space in the right pane? Right-click, opt for the new DWORD(32) parameter.

create new dword value in regedit

  1. Christen it as RealTimeIsUniversal.
  2. A double-click on the newbie, and then pencil in its value as 1.

set value in regedit

  1. A system reboot, and voila! Your dual boot clock issues ought to vanish.

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