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A selection of scripts that can be useful to system administrators.

Managing zones on a Microsoft Windows 2012 DNS server using PowerShell scripts

Hello. There was a task to migrate DNS servers. It was necessary to migrate secondary and primary DNS servers. The following are examples of powershell scripts that allow you to copy all zones from the primary DNS server to secondary, copy all the zones from the primary server to the primary server, and delete all zones on the server.

Copying zones:

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How to Automate ActiveDirectory User Addition Using PowerShell and CSV

Добавление пользователей в Acrive Directory из CSV файла при помощи скрипта PowerShell

Hello to all IT professionals and enthusiasts! Today's tutorial will delve into an efficient way to bulk-add or update users in ActiveDirectory, leveraging the power of scripting. By using a simple CSV file, this automation process becomes seamless.

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How to Set Up and Optimize PPTP VPN on Ubuntu Server 16.04

How to Set Up and Optimize PPTP VPN on Ubuntu Server 16.04

In today's guide, we'll walk you through the detailed steps to establish a PPTP VPN connection on Ubuntu Server 16.04. Plus, we'll cover how to ensure automatic reconnections and route management.

Please note: PPTP has known vulnerabilities, so consider this method for learning purposes and evaluate more secure VPN options for critical applications.

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