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Netrwork configuration in PowerShell and nic teaming

To configure network with PowerShell you need to do:

1) Get the list of network interfaces: Get-NetIPInterface

2) Set address, mask and gateway: new-netipaddress -interfacealias "manage" -ipaddress "" -prefixlength 21 -defaultgateway

3) Set DNS servers: set-dnsclientserveraddress -interfaceindex 30 -ServerAddresses,

To add network adapter to nic teaming:

New-NetLbfoTeam -Name TestTeam -TeamMembers "Ethernet", "Ethernet 2" -WhatIf'

This command will create switchindependent team, with dynamic balancing.

Эта команда создаст switchindependent team, с динамической балансировкой. For convenience, you can rename adapters as well as temporarily disable the firewall and configure it remotely via mmc:

$NetAdapter = $NetAdapter | Rename-NetAdapter -NewName $NIC.NIC -PassThru netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off

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