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How to Restore Linux Grub Bootloader

How to Restore Linux Grub Bootloader

Ever faced the dilemma of losing your Linux bootloader? I've been there too. On a few occasions, my Linux bootloader was wiped, often due to Windows updates that overrode Grub. Additionally, many face this challenge when installing Windows alongside Linux. If you're grappling with a similar issue, this guide will walk you through a straightforward method to restore the Linux grub bootloader.

Step-by-Step Guide to Restoring the Linux Bootloader with Ubuntu LiveCD:

  1. Initiate the Ubuntu LiveCD Boot Process: Begin by booting your system from the Ubuntu LiveCD.

  2. Access the Terminal: Once you're in, launch the terminal. This will be your primary tool for the restoration process.

  3. Enter the Necessary Commands: Input the following commands into the terminal:

sudo su
add-apt-repository ppa:yannubuntu/boot-repair
apt update
apt install boot-repair

After these commands, the boot-repair program window will pop up.

  1. Choose the 'Recommended Repair' Option: In most scenarios, the 'Recommended Repair' option in the boot-repair program is all you need to restore the Linux bootloader. Select this and proceed.

ubuntu boot-repair main window

  1. Follow On-Screen Instructions Carefully: Sometimes, you might encounter additional steps, like manually deleting and reinstalling Grub through the terminal. Always read and follow these additional instructions.

ubuntu boot repair additional command to execute

ubuntu boot repair additional command to execute

  1. Complete the Restoration Process: Once all steps are done, wait for the restoration process to finalize. Once there are no errors, it indicates your bootloader has been successfully restored.

  2. Reboot and Verify: The final step is to reboot your system and check if the Linux bootloader has been restored.


Losing the Linux bootloader can be a daunting experience, especially when unexpected Windows updates interfere. However, with this guide, you now have a reliable method to restore the Linux bootloader using Ubuntu LiveCD. Always ensure you follow each step carefully for a smooth restoration process.

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