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Configuring NAT in Hyper-V on Windows Server 2016: A Guide

Configuring NAT in Hyper-V on Windows Server 2016: A Guide

Hello, I recently encountered a situation where I had a dedicated server with Hyper-V installed. The provider assigns a single public IP to the server. I was approached with a question: How can we enable internet access on virtual machines created on this server without purchasing additional addresses?

In platforms like VirtualBox, this is usually resolved by connecting the virtual machine to a NAT network type. But what about Hyper-V, which doesn't allow you to connect a virtual switch to a NAT network? The solution is straightforward: connect the switch to an internal network and NAT the traffic through the physical port. This isn't as complicated as it might seem.

Below, I'll guide you on how to set up NAT on Windows Server 2016 using PowerShell. Additionally, I'll discuss setting up NAT on older versions of Windows OS using RRAS (and by the way, NAT can also be configured on Windows Server 2016 via RRAS).

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How to Easily Set Up an IPIP Tunnel on Ubuntu 16.04 and CentOS 7

How to Easily Set Up an IPIP Tunnel on Ubuntu 16.04 and CentOS 7

Creating a stable connection between various Linux systems is paramount for modern network specialists. Enter the world of IPIP tunneling, one of the most straightforward solutions available. In this guide, you'll uncover the nuances of setting up an IPIP tunnel on two popular Linux distributions: Ubuntu 16.04 and CentOS 7.

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How to Set Up an OpenVPN Server on Mikrotik: A Comprehensive Guide

How to Set Up an OpenVPN Server on Mikrotik: A Comprehensive Guide

Are you looking to set up an OpenVPN Server on Mikrotik? While Mikrotik's OpenVPN isn't entirely full-featured, in certain scenarios, it can be much more efficient than other VPN solutions. Today, I'll provide a step-by-step guide to help you through this process.

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Configuring Windows Firewall for Web Sites, FTP and DNS

In this article, I'll show you how to configure Windows Firewall for a server that hosts sites and FTP, as well as DNS. There is nothing supernatural in this procedure, except that it will be necessary in IIS Manager to configure the port range for the passive mode of the FTP server.

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Configuring a bridge in Ubuntu for KVM

In order for the network to work correctly on KVM virtual machines created on the Ubuntu host, you need to configure the bridge. If you do not configure it, the machine will have access to the Internet, but there will be no access to the other hosts on that network. The configuration is similar to setting up a network in Ubuntu with minor changes to the config.

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How to disable IPv6 in Ubuntu

I've collide here with an incomprehensible situation in Ubuntu, if you turn on the bridge for KVM, if you get an IPv6 address, this IPv6 hangs fast, about once every 5-10 minutes, when the interface is restarted, everything starts to work for 5-10 minutes, then hangs again. In this case, IPv4 continues to work. Routes like IPv6 and IPv4 remain. Because of what many resources stop working, google, yandex, update the application database (apt-get update). In general, all that can work on IPv6 safely stops working when the bridge hangs. In the logs, there are no errors, where to dig is not clear. It is exactly known that this is happening on Ubuntu 15.10, at 14.04 it works like a clock.

In short, I was tired of restarting the network interface every 10 minutes, and I decided to just disable IPv6.

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How to make a WiFi adapter for a computer from a router

Hello everyone, when you connect to the Internet, recently the provider often gives you a router for rent. What of it can be done if you already have your router, that he would not dust off without a deal? The answer is, you can use it as a WiFi adapter for your computer. To do this on the computer, there must be an ethernet interface, to connect the wired network. Below it will be written how to do it.

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How to share a network adapter in windows or how to make a switch or router from a computer.

Hello, sometimes you need to share network card on a computer running windows. This might be necessary for example if you have a cheap 100 MByte router, and on the computer there are 2 network gigabit interfaces, and you need to connect the device at gigabit speed. Or if you do not want to buy a router. Below it will be shown how to do this.

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Netrwork configuration in PowerShell and nic teaming

To configure network with PowerShell you need to do:

1) Get the list of network interfaces: Get-NetIPInterface

2) Set address, mask and gateway: new-netipaddress -interfacealias "manage" -ipaddress "" -prefixlength 21 -defaultgateway

3) Set DNS servers: set-dnsclientserveraddress -interfaceindex 30 -ServerAddresses,

To add network adapter to nic teaming:

New-NetLbfoTeam -Name TestTeam -TeamMembers "Ethernet", "Ethernet 2" -WhatIf'

This command will create switchindependent team, with dynamic balancing.

Эта команда создаст switchindependent team, с динамической балансировкой. For convenience, you can rename adapters as well as temporarily disable the firewall and configure it remotely via mmc:

$NetAdapter = $NetAdapter | Rename-NetAdapter -NewName $NIC.NIC -PassThru netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off

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